
Anaheim Area Blog

US Military Ships Near Anaheim

Want to get a peek at some of the largest, most historic ships in US military history? The US Military Ships and Naval Museum is the longest-serving dock and hangar in the country. At the USS Midway entrance, the massive vessel serves as a welcome wagon you’ll never forget. In fact, it’s so big it was the first vessel turned away from the Panama Canal due to its sheer size. It served for over 40 years before retiring in 1992 and being reimagined as a museum in 2004.


There’s also the USS Midway flight deck to explore, complete with an audio tour that will clue you in to the ship’s fascinating history. It’s a fortress on water, and the on-site docents are also military veterans who are happy to share some little known facts and insider information with visitors.

All Aboard!

At the Midway Experience Theater, you have the chance to kick back, relax, and watch some original footage of the ship in action. It seats 80 and is the perfect spot to rejuvenate for the next ship tour. The Battleship USS IOWA Pacific Battleship Center has already snagged the Ship of the Year award from the Steamship Historical Society, even though it has only been open since 2013.

Anaheim is home to some incredible military history that’s well worth exploring. Ready to put on your captain’s hat?