

Hollywood Walk of Fame


It’s one of the most well-known and visited destinations in Los Angeles, and with good reason. The Hollywood Walk of Fame at N. Highland Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard is buzzing 24-7 with street performers, tourists, and vendors. With over 2,600 stars embedded in the walkways spanning 15 blocks of Hollywood Boulevard (plus three blocks of Vine Street), and new stars being added all the time, you can compare handprints and footprints with the stars—and might even spy a celebrity or two in person.


Today, the Walk of Fame is just as well-known for its costumed street performers from Spiderman zipping along the sidewalk to your favorite anime characters. There are boutiques and restaurants all around the Walk of Fame, making it easy to spend a full day exploring one of the most famous areas in Southern California.

Star Power

There’s only one official website where you can check out upcoming events and use the “star tracker” to easily find the stars of the rich and famous you want to visit. Around 24 induction ceremonies take place and are televised per year, so there’s a good chance you’ll be in town during one of these star-studded events. Inarguably one of the best marketing campaigns ever realized, no trip to Los Angeles is complete without indulging your inner tourist at this landmark.

Originally, the walk was the idea of EM Stuart, president of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce in 1953. He wanted to “maintain the glory of a community whose name means glamour and excitement,” and he certainly succeeded. By 1955, the plan was agreed upon and the rest is glitzy history.