California’s Oldest Treasures
These establishments we found in Lawndale have been operating for almost 2 centuries. Visit them today and create memories with your loved ones in the State’s oldest treasures. Learn more about these businesses that we listed and their strong legacies that kept them going for more than a lifetime.
Boudin Bakery
Boudin Bakery became famous for its sourdough bread since 1849. That is an amazing period of 171 years! They made the standard of making sourdough bread extremely high and it is respected by bakers from around the world. It is amazing to know that their quality standards have been kept up to this generation and leading into the next one.
Tadich Grill in 1849
Having the same age as the Boudin Bakery, Tadich Grill was also founded in 1849. Tadich Grill has gone a long way from being called a “Coffee Stand” that served grilled fresh fish. Tadich Grill has turned itself into a popular and casual dining restaurant. It continues to serve fresh seafood grills in different kind of dishes such as the popular ones on their menu such as grilled Crab Cakes, Cioppino and Shrimp Louie Salad.
Buena Vista Winery in 1857
Visit Bena Vista Valley for an overwhelming vintage experience. Founded by Agoston Haraszthy, this 163-year old winery heritage in California continues to introduce California’s splendid creations of wine to the world. Buena Vista Winery is now a historical landmark in California that offers tours and wine tasting to their visitors.