
Pet-Friendly Hotel in Tulsa, OK


Your best choice for a Pet-Friendly Tulsa Hotel is the Clarion Inn & Suites I-44

When you stay at Clarion Inn & Suites I-44 in Tulsa, OK you will never have to leave your furry friends at home. We know how important pets are in your life! Why should you have to leave them behind? They want to enjoy the vacation also! Bringing your pets on vacation can be a therapeutic experience for both of you.

Our property is a Dog-Friendly hotel that prides itself on accommodating the needs of guests, both human and animal. At the Clarion Inn & Suites I-44, you will enjoy a no-fee per pet policy. Bring a maximum of two pets to stay with you at no additional charge.

Our canine pups bring out the best in us. When you travel with them, your vacation experience will be amplified tenfold. Never again will you have to feel sad about leaving them behind, or be forced to pay extra for a pet sitter or doggy daycare.

We make it easy for you to simply bring them on in. After all, your pets are part of the family. Traveling with your pets can sometimes be a tricky ordeal. You can rest easy in knowing that we will make your journey convenient and comfortable.

It helps to put together a list of things you need for your pets before you leave your home. Having the support of a dog-friendly hotel is convenient, but things like medication and collapsible water bowls are essentials you must bring along with you.

Planning as much of your trip before you leave will save you endless hours of headaches. Although we are a pet-friendly hotel in Tulsa, you might want to check the rules of local establishments you plan on visiting. Once you have all your I’s dotted and T’s crossed, you will have the wonderful experience and added value that pets bring to our lives.